our expertise Experienced team which offers solutions to cover all demands DEDICATED TECHNICAL- SALES REPRESENTATIVE } Response within 24 hours Personalized study of your needs Knowledge and understanding of the customer’s environment Solution adapted to your projects and budget l Dedicated and committed team for daily follow-up After-sales service WELL-EQUIPPED RND and QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICE i Procedures that meet customers specifications and requests and respect quality assurance Z Periodically calibrated laboratory in accordance with standards Fully equipped workshop for the production of die-cuts and printing plates Experienced and creative engineers Tools and technical means available for customers COMPLETE, EFFICIENT AND SECURE PRODUCTION TOOL 6 production lines covering a wide range of corrugated packaging requirements U Quality control at all levels Offers flexible working hours in response to customer needs Offers a computerized production in connection with the sales software Z Lean Management practice: 5S, VSM, etc. EXPERIENCED LOGISTICS TEAM Complete palettization equipment: cushions, strapping, film... Container filling simulation software c Vessel Schedule monitoring w Team in direct relation with the customer GPS tracking of deliveries